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Sisters High Tea @ MIA

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool

Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this," putting his index and middle fingers together. -Sahih Al-Bukhari 5659 Imagine being as close to the Prophet (PBUH) as two fingers held together! How awesome […]

$5.00 – $50.00

Time to play @ MIA

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool

A new Kids Holiday Program at MIA! Time to play @ MIA is a 2-day program where kids will explore stories of Prophets Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS), learn about Hajj, plus managing their own emotions while instilling a love for Islam and the masjid! Happening on these dates: 7th July 2021 - Wednesday 8th […]

$35.00 – $40.00

Footsteps of Haajar

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool

“Footsteps of Haajar: A story of unconditional love, faith & obedience” Touching on the stories of our beloved Prophets Ibrahim(AS) and Ismail (AS), the journey of Haajar (RA) and her unconditional faith and obedience, and the significance of Zamzam, in a program filled with fun activities and sisterhood (as always!) 🥰 Register now as spots […]

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