MIA Sisters Team
Who is the Sisters Team?
We are also passionate about building a strong sisterhood in our community, and encouraging sisters to support one another and to learn and grow as one body, In shaa Allah .ﷻ
Sisters’ lectures, morning tea and luncheon events
Created to provide a platform for sisters to attend MIA and seek beneficial knowledge from a variety of speakers and teachers!
We cover a range of topics, from Tafsir of the Quran, stories from Islamic history, and matters of Islamic character and etiquettes, to lifestyle topics such as productivity, homeschooling, parenting, family matters, and goal setting.
Our morning tea and luncheon events also provide an opportunity for all sisters from diverse backgrounds to come together, spend time in good company and remember that which binds us all – The Deen.
All sisters are welcome to join us!
Kids Holidays Programs
Catering for boys and girls, our team of hard-working volunteers plan and hold fun-filled days, with a different theme for every school holidays!
We base the themes on the Sisters Team vision and the current needs of the community. Some of our past themes included Islamic history, being dutiful to our parents, Ramadan and Eid, gratitude, inspirational figures in Islam, Muslim inventors, health, first aid and fitness.
We incorporate interactive activities, role play, arts & crafts, and physical activity in our programs! Check out the photo gallery to see how much fun the kids have!
For details and registration, click here!
Girls Youth Events
Our main objective for our girls youth events is to create an environment where our teen girls can feel safe and supported. Our fun-filled programs aim to build their confidence and self-esteem, educate them about health (mental, physical and spiritual), and focus on other character-building concepts such as goal setting, leadership, patience and other qualities, all in connection with the Deen.
We all loved and cherished our mentors growing up, and it’s now our turn to give back to the community by being a source of guidance and support for the next generation of young Muslim women. We hope that one day, they’ll take the reins and continue the MIA Sisters Team legacy, In shaa Allah ﷻ
For details and registration, click here!