Archives: Events

MIA Quran Competition 2021

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool, Australia

MIA Quran Competition 2021 - Main Round Everyone is invited to witness and attend this FREE event at MIA! The Quran Competition is open to everyone from 6 years old to adults. Join us on these dates: MAIN ROUND - 25th April 2021 @ 10am FINAL ROUND + IFTAR - 8th May 2021 @ 5pm […]


Emotions and Reactions

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool, Australia

This May, the Sisters' Boost your Iman lecture series bring you a brand new topic entitled "Emotions and Reactions." In this lecture, we aim to discuss the following: - What are emotions? How do they affect us and how do we respond to them? - The difference between how males and females react to their […]


Imaan after Ramadan

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool, Australia

Calling all sisters for another iman-boosting lecture this June at MIA! Join "Imaan after Ramadan" and get important tips, reminders and advice to ensure your Imaan continues to grow after Ramadan. 7th June 2021 | Monday 10am to 12pm Fee: $5 per person Register now and secure a spot! Bring a sister, a friend, or […]


Footsteps of Haajar

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool, Australia

“Footsteps of Haajar: A story of unconditional love, faith & obedience” Touching on the stories of our beloved Prophets Ibrahim(AS) and Ismail (AS), the journey of Haajar (RA) and her unconditional faith and obedience, and the significance of Zamzam, in a program filled with fun activities and sisterhood (as always!) 🥰 Register now as spots […]


Time to play @ MIA

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool, Australia

A new Kids Holiday Program at MIA! Time to play @ MIA is a 2-day program where kids will explore stories of Prophets Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS), learn about Hajj, plus managing their own emotions while instilling a love for Islam and the masjid! Happening on these dates: 7th July 2021 - Wednesday 8th […]

$35.00 – $40.00

Sisters High Tea @ MIA

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool, Australia

Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this," putting his index and middle fingers together. -Sahih Al-Bukhari 5659 Imagine being as close to the Prophet (PBUH) as two fingers held together! How awesome […]

$5.00 – $50.00

Dreem Fit Challenge

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool, Australia

The prophet (saw) said: “Verily your body has a right over you”(Sahih Bukhari) Come join the Dreem Fit Challenge at MIA. Burn fat, sculpt lean muscle and improve fitness! 8 weeks of fat-burning and muscle-strengthening with Coach Reem from Dreem Fitness. Suitable for all fitness levels. Starts 27th July until 16th September Every Tuesday and […]


It’s Eid! Time to Celebrate!

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool, Australia

It's Eid! Time to Celebrate! MIA team will be holding a kids community eid party 🎉 from the age of 4 to 11 with lots of fun games / food 🍕 / dessert 🎂 and prizes to be won. It will be segregated and fully supervised. Why not help our future leaders hearts form an […]


Game time Online (2-day event)

The MIA Sister’s Team is so excited to bring some sunshine into the lockdown! 😎 We are happy to announce our ONLINE holiday program for your boys and girls (6-12yr old), In Shaa Allah. Dates: Tuesday, 21st September and Wednesday 22nd September Time: 10:30 am to 11.30 am Register now for this FREE, interactive, fun-filled […]


Kids Holiday Program – Down to Earth

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool, Australia

Let's get back to basics and down to Earth with another Kids Holiday Program at MIA brought to you by the Sisters Team! This is open to Boys and Girls ages 6-12 years old. Join us on 11th and 12th of January from 9am-12pm at MIA - Liverpool Islamic Centre. Fee: $40 per child Sign […]


MIA Hadith Competition 2022

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool, Australia

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, نَضَّرَ اللَّهُ امْرَأً سَمِعَ مِنَّا حَدِيثًا فَحَفِظَهُ حَتَّى يُبَلِّغَهُ “May Allah brighten the face of a person who hears a tradition from us and he memorises it until he can convey it to others.” (Abu Dawud) From the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) until now, […]


Back In Shape

MIA – Liverpool Islamic Centre 230 Macquarie St, Liverpool, Australia

The prophet (saw) said: “Verily your body has a right over you”(Sahih Bukhari) Dreem Fitness classes are back at MIA to help you get "Back In Shape"! 9 weeks of fat-burning and muscle-strengthening fitness sessions with Coach Reem from Dreem Fitness. Tuesdays: BOXING | Thursdays: HIIT Functional Training Join us from 8th Feb 2021 every […]

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